Welcome to the Pro RAED Foundation

The Pro Royal European Academy of Doctors Foundation has its origins in an initiative of the Royal European Academy of Doctors born in 1914, convinced that knowledge and excellence must be the engines to solve the challenges that are presented to us in the world and society.

Mission and vision

We are a network of multidisciplinary talent that includes, among other personalities, 20 Nobel Prize winners who want to help make a fairer, more sustainable and more supportive world.

We connect international leaders, researchers, businessmen and civil society through our activity, seeking professional and human experience. We are a nexus of knowledge transfer, providing solutions to the challenges presented by our society.

Our fields of action are framed in 5 main areas:


What are we worried about?

From the mid-1950s to today, humanity has achieved unprecedented cultural, industrial, and technological development that has allowed us to achieve an extraordinary level of progress and an exceptional quality of life. But, the development model acquired by humanity entails very high ecological, social and economic costs. However, the appearance of the coronavirus pandemic has precipitated other risk factors directly related to health, the economy and employment that, with the influence of populism and post-truth, increase social uncertainty.

Climate change

Provide solutions and initiatives that lead to improving the current social and political shortcomings that are hindering the solution to the problem. Activity: scientific expeditions, seminars, conferences and debates


Prevention, education, treatment and research, as well as everything that has to do with health policies and their ethical, economic and environmental consequences. Activity: conferences, congresses, seminars, workshops and national and international visits to centers of interest or leading initiatives in which the RAED

Education, ethics and values

Advise and define strategies to achieve improvements in education, a key factor for the development of a country, aimed at building a future of social justice, equity and respect for differences. Activity: seminars, conferences, debates and workshops as well as a school of leadership, social awareness, debate and oratory

Smart Cities

Advance in the knowledge and development of eco-sustainable structures, the use of new materials and the management of typical problems of any small, medium or large city. Seminars, debates, workshops, congresses.

New technologies and big data

Its proper use leads to evident improvements in the quality of life of individuals and its misuse carries risks for individual or community, national or international security. From the RAED it is intended that this axis be the subject of approaches, analysis, debates and conferences.

Economics, politics and risks

The multidisciplinary activity of the RAED allows it to position itself as an opinion leader, consult and provide solutions to problems and situations that arise from these issues. Debates, national and international conferences, multilateral meetings and monographic seminars.


In the current context, the Royal European Academy of Doctors (RAED) and its Foundation assume the commitment to contribute to improving our world by launching projects such as Vital Challenges, promoting actions and initiatives with an impact in the face of great challenges from the knowledge and experience. Specifically, the Vital Challenges project is an initiative that aims to inspire society through the transmission of knowledge that integrates the Royal European Academy of Doctors (RAED). In addition, the actions that will be promoted will allow us to face with hope the social, economic and ecological challenges that condition our lives today and also that of future generations.

Responses to global challenges

Respond, from knowledge, to a changing world, connecting great leaders with present and future generations

Influence and connect

Influence and connect people, institutions and organizations that share our values ​​and collaborate in carrying out actions to achieve a better world.

Transfer knowledge

  • Transfer today’s knowledge to tomorrow’s generations.
  • Develop our networking that connects with the best talent.

Legal Regime

Founding Charter

On December 16, 2018, the Private Foundation “Pro Royal European Academy of Doctors” was established. Barcelona, ​​1914”, as a civil society initiative aimed at supporting the objectives and activities of the Royal European Academy of Doctors (NIF: Q5856332A), as well as the progress of scientific knowledge and academic activities at their highest. expression.

Constitutive Act


The Statutes of the Pro Royal European Academy of Doctors. Barcelona 1914 Foundation, are adapted to Law 50/2002, of December 26, on Foundations-LF and Law 49/2002, of December 23, on the Tax Regime for Non-Profit Entities and Tax Incentives for Patronage and their respective modifications.

Text of the Statutes of the Pro Royal European Academy of Doctors. Barcelona 1914 Foundation

Registration of Foundations

The General Director of Registries and Notaries has certified that the Pro-Royal European Academy of Doctors. Barcelona 1914 foundation was established on 19 December 2018, stating its registration in the Registry of Foundations of state competence by Resolution of 10/11 /2019 being the assigned registration number 2248. Registration entails recognition of the general interest of its purposes.

Registration Certificate


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